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When you are young, and especially when you have just taken your first steps in life, saving your money can be a real headache. This is the time when you need to make the right choices so that you don't squander your money, even though you have relatively fewer burdens at this stage of your life. In this article, we give you some tips on how to save your money.
Have clear goals
In order to know how to behave with your finances, it is important to set goals. If you don't know where you want to go, it's normal that you don't know which direction to go. So, to avoid getting lost in the maze of your finances, have short, medium and long term plans. For example, a short-term project might be to buy a car, a medium-term project might be to buy a house, while a long-term project might be to prepare for your retirement. Once you have defined your different projects, it is up to you to determine the amount of money needed to carry them out. Also, it is not enough to have projects. You have to be able to prioritize them. Not all projects can be equally important to you. You will therefore have to prioritize them in an order that you must strive to respect.
Have a clear idea of your budget
The realization of your various projects inevitably involves rigorous management of your budget. For effective budget management, you need to know what your fixed charges are. When we talk about fixed costs, we are referring to regular and unavoidable expenses such as rent, electricity, gas and telephone bills, etc. Once you have determined your fixed costs, you need to work out the variable costs such as transport, fuel and shopping. Only after you have done this calculation will you know approximately how much you have left. And it is on this leftover that your savings should be aligned.
Putting pressure on yourself
When you are young and starting to earn money on your own, you face a lot of cravings and temptations. It is therefore important to be careful not to fall into unnecessary spending that could jeopardize your plans. To achieve your goals, you must deprive yourself of certain things. If you give in to your every whim, it's no use remembering that your plans may suffer. That said, you should not deprive yourself of everything in order to achieve your plans. You must treat yourself well. This is why you have to be honest with yourself in determining the various expenses and the amounts that go with them.